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Condo Fundamentals

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why millennials like condos

7 Reasons Millennials Prefer Condos Over Other Property Types

As the largest living generation in North America, millennials are impacting the real estate market. Their values and approach to work-life balance is driving them towards buying condos.  This is a major shift from previous generations that saw house ownership...
pre-construction condo investing

Make Money Buying Pre-Construction Condos

If you’re willing to move every few years and are tolerant to some risk, you should consider buying and selling pre-construction condos as an investment strategy. It’s an easy way to make money in real estate by living in your...
condo fee questions answered

We Answer 14 Condo Fee Questions

When you buy a new or resale condo, you also commit to paying the condo fees that go towards maintaining and upgrading the common elements. Condo developments are co-ownership arrangements.  Every owner contributes towards ensuring the development stays in good...
avoid legal problems from pets in condos

What you need to know about pets in condos

According to a 2016 nation-wide survey, almost 41% of Canadian households include at least one dog and around 37% at least one cat.  Overall, there are at least 8.8 million cats considered household pets and 7.6 million dogs. Contrast these statistics with the growing...

Introduction to the world of condos

Condominiums are becoming an increasingly popular real estate option for homeowners, both new and established. From the young professional who wants to live closer to the amenities offered by a bustling city core, to retirees who are attempting to downsize...